> CD
> Alfred Zimmerlin
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Alfred Zimmerlin
performer: |
EWR 9605
Alfred Zimmerlin
Dünki, Frey, Aeschbacher,
Capt, Hefti, Moster
The three pieces on this CD are related insofar as Alfred Zimmerlin has
attempted here to bring together and make a theme of the two opposing
sides of his musical activity: on the one hand as an improvising
musician and on the other as prescribing composer:
In "Clavierstück 4", for
example, one can easily hear how Zimmerlin is posing himself relatively
simple and therefore perceivable compositional problems from segment to
segment. Much of this comes across like an improvisor who wanted to
take a closer look at some problems which occurred to him while playing.
In "Klavierstück 5",
Zimmerlin retuned part of the piano microtonally. With the resulting
intervals a continuous play evolves between nearness and strangeness,
between seduction and repulsion. lf this gigantic piano piece produces
something like a metaphysical shiver, it is because we lose every
possibility of classification. We can only rely on the music itself.
The experiences of the improvising cellist are most clearly poured into the "Klarinettenquintett",
since what he tries to achieve here as a composer is almost
self-evident in improvised chamber music: a coexistence of differing
time layers.This can be beautifully demonstrated by the end of this
piece, in which the instruments gradually unleash themselves from their
context and start to gyrate in themselves. lnto this monadic circle the
beginning of the piece (recorded in a different space and put through
loudspeakers) resounds. Because of impulse sounds used in this music
from the beginning, an extreme "togetherness" prevails and individual
time-freedom is absent. The most important tension of great chamber
music, the tension between autonomy and its dissolution in
togetherness, is with this ending both fulfilled and newly created.
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