audio excerpt:
le puid (14:35)
thornton heath (06:49)
haan (10:00)
remote (10:00)
emmanuelle waeckerlé
a direction out there, readwalking (with) thoreau
01 readwalking in le puid
marianne schuppe (voice) and stefan thut (viol)
02 readwalking in thornton heath
emmanuelle waeckerlé (voice)
01 readwalking in haan
antoine beuger (harmonica, children glockenspiel,
voice) and sylvia alexandra schimag (lyre, voice)
02 readwalking remotely
marie-cécile reber (field recording,
electronics) and emmanuelle waeckerlé (voice)
four directions out there, four contrasting interpretations
of a prepared text and open score based on david henri
thoreau’s transcendental essay about walking (1851).
readwalking, solitary thinging, in partial light *, step by
step, a word at a time
in silence aloud, together alone, discreetly randomly, in
hope in wonder, here and there.
in our our
thoughts wal ks wal
king walks wal king k
k k
“Wherever a (wo)man
separates from the multitude, and goes her own way in
this mood, there indeed is a fork in the road.” (henry
david thoreau, life without principle, 1863)
“language is like a road, it cannot be perceived all at
once because it unfolds in time, whether heard or read.”
(rebecca solnit, wanderlust, 2014)
* (peter gizzi, sky burial, 2020)
